braddock greening project
Braddock Received a Huge Grant for Greening!
Congrats Braddock Bobcats! We applied for and were awarded $250,000 for an exciting campus greening project! The award is comprised of a $150,000 SEEDS grant from LAUSD, plus an additional $100,000 from LAUSD Board Member Nick Melvoin’s discretionary fund. Read more about the Braddock Greening Project here.
If you would like to contribute to the Greening Project, below are the steps to contribute. Don't forget to share with family and friends who would like to support our fantastic school!
Follow the instructions below and complete the information, pledge and contribute if you haven't yet. We recommend a pledge and contribution in the amount of $250 per child (or in any amount suitable for your family). Your charitable contributions may be tax-deductible. Don't forget to share with family and friends who would like to support our fantastic school!
What Do I Need To Do?
1. Complete this pledge form
2. Send your contribution to SBDES via PayPal Giving Fund (check the box that allows us to know who is giving) at:
3. Email SBDES at so that we can track your PayPal Giving Fund donation.
4. Tell your friends/families about the Braddock Greening Fundraiser and ask them to contribute!
5. Keep checking this website for the latest shade fundraising updates!
Let's beautify and create green area on the Braddock Yard!